Fire Resilient Sheds

MIGHTY FIRE BREAKER™ Wildfire Resilient Sheds are built to protect and defend personal valuable items that cannot just be taken away at a moments notice.

Mighty FireBreaker® products have helped builders throughout the nation to proactively defend 100% of their lumber in high density projects that would normally be vulnerable during the construction phase.
We are now offering homeowners the same protection in wildfire regions with two types of Fire Resilient Sheds. Both sheds are built with the safest and most advanced fire defense products in the building industry.

Whather you choose our flat roof shed that fits in your garage or our traditional shed for outdoors, during a fire evacuation you now have the ability to store and protect valuables that may not fit in a vehicle during wildfire threats. Store your valuables like art or even your Harley Davison, the sheds are big enough and strong enough to give you peace of mind knowing that you did everything you can to proactively protect your home and allow the brave fire fighters the ability to do there job.
We promote early evacuation to make everyones life safer.


Tiny Homes

Wildfire Resilient Tiny Homes Communities

An American Award Winning Fire Innovation is out to support our Government is addressing our homeless encampment with a sustainable approach with Fire resilient Tiny Homes especially in Wild Fire regions of the US.

Built with the safest and most advanced fire defense products in the building industry by completing nature science of sequestering carbon by Fire treating the lumber so the carbon is never released back in fire.

Our tiny homes for are also out to make things safer for our Firefighters sent into burning encampmentsWe promote early evacuation.

Many homes could not be saved by firefighters who were either unprepared, having lack of access and precious water sources or quite frankly just overwhelmed.

Building with lumber is still the best way to build because it is natural, eco-friendly, inexpensive and sequesters carbon like trees in our forests do, while supporting a healthier ozone layer and world. Most importantly when lumber is fire protected it can last for hundreds of years while continuing to support a greener environment.


Class-A Fire-Protected Building Products

MFB-34-MM GatorSkin™

MFB-34-MM Gatorskin, another MFB proprietary product, provides protection against mold, mildew and rot. This formulation addresses the fact that Mass Timber buildings are exposed to rain and/or snow during the construction phase, and precipitation can cause significant degradation to the structural integrity of wood. This is very important to a builder/developer, because they have multi-year trailing liability to a building’s occupants for mold and other issues, which can arise years after a certificate of occupancy has been issued. Regarding mold and related issues:
-Health problems result in nearly 35 billion a year in costs. -The cost of repairing such problems is about 73 billion a year


Fire Educational Products

Nature is Screaming! And Nature’s Crying - BigWood and LittleWood™ Book Series

Our founder's passion for wood, trees and our environment is demonstrated throughout his creation of the "Big Wood and Little Wood Book"™ Series for Children. Steve Conboy is an advocate for sequestering carbon and addresses its importance in his book "Nature is Screaming! Are We Ready to Listen?”