Consulting and Contract Management Services
MFB-Wildfire Defense Consultants
In addition to delivering safe and sustainable Citrotech® fire inhibiting products to others around the world, MFB also provides proactive fire defense consulting services to others, including wildfire defense services, aimed at reducing the risk of loss of property and life due to fire, including wildfire. The industries served by MFB cover many different areas, including public/private property owners, residential property owners, commercial/industrial businesses, municipalities, underground environments, ocean/marine operations, aviation/aerospace, operations, and military/defense industries, to name just a few. Our wildfire defense consulting services include advising and serving federal, state and local fire chiefs, administrators, and their firefighting teams, on new and improved practices and technologies enabling better and more effective proactive wildfire defense operations. Our consulting practice involves promoting the use of MFB’s patent-pending Citrotech® safe and sustainable fire inhibiting chemistry, engineered to inhibit fire ignition, flame spread and smoke development caused by wildfires, without harming our natural environments and ecosystems, and to do so using significantly less water than conventional methods.
Onsite Consultation
Surveying, Planning and Executing A Comprehensive Plan To Help Create A Bon-A-Fide Second Line Of Wildfire Defense.
Our team is ready to assess any property for risk of fire ignition, flame spread and smoke development in the presence of wildfire. Our professionals are all licensed and heavily experienced in the home hardening process.
Insurance Consultation
Providing Safer Solutions To Help Mitigate Risk of Wildfire Loss
MFB’s Citrotech® fire inhibiting chemistry is EPA Safer Choice Certified and contains only safe and substainable food grade biochemicals and water. Consequently, for the insurance industry, when using MFB-31 Citrotech® fire inhibiting chemistry as the foundation for MFB’s proactive home wildfire defense programs, this translates into mitigation of risk of loss of property and life due to wildfire, without the risk of exposure to claims based on toxic exposure to harmful chemicals.