Technological Overview of Citrotech® Sustainable Fire Inhibiting Chemistry
Currently, there are billions of people who wish to simply and safely inhibit fire from igniting and spreading over diverse kinds of combustible surfaces and materials present around homes, at work, in recreational regions, and across industries around the world. They also wish to do so without harming or damaging our natural environments, including our natural sources of water, air, and food.
Because our environment is threatened by climate-driven drought, fueling wildfires worldwide, our planet demands more sustainable use of water in the prevention and extinguishment of wildfires, wherever and whenever they may break out. Thus, a big part of our company’s mission is addressing these pressing issues and delivering safe and effective solutions that will contribute to the preservation of the planet for future generations.
In response to these challenges, we developed our patent-pending Proactive Wildfire Armor MFB-31-CITROTECH® liquid chemical Fire Inhibitor (Ready to Use) formulation(s) for use in proactively inhibiting fire ignition, flame spread, and smoke development, including wildfire advancement, with significantly fewer environmental consequences—critical to billions of people all around the world.
Importantly, Proactive Wildfire Armor MFB-31-CITROTECH® liquid chemical Fire Inhibitor is formulated using only environmentally benign chemicals listed on the EPA Safer Choice Chemical Ingredients List. By doing so, Proactive Wildfire Armor’s MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor was recently recognized by the EPA Safer Choice Program and became the first fire inhibiting/retarding biochemical liquid composition to enjoy EPA Safer Choice Certification in 2022.
MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor consists solely of water and two chemical constituents on the EPA Safer Choice certified chemical list. MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor is the first of its kind in the new category (i.e., Fire Defense Products) created by the EPA Safer Choice Program.
In addition, MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor is proven to be effective at preventing fire ignition, flame spread, and smoke development using 90% less water than current firefighting methods. During use, it is proactively spray-applied to combustible structures, vegetation, trees, and whatever else is threatened by wildfire or other sources of fire.
When dried, MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor leaves a thin clear coating on treated surfaces to help suppress fire ignition and fire advance without harming the environment, while conserving significant amounts of water.
To our knowledge and belief, MFB-31-CitroTech® liquid fire inhibitor is a significant breakthrough in fire science chemistry, transforming the way mankind defends against wildfires—using an innovative biodegradable chemistry that does not harm or degrade our land, air, waters, mammalian life, plant life, or aquatic life.
We have also gained support from retired Fire Chiefs and Fire Marshalls across the USA, who are still very upset that many firefighters have gotten and continue to get cancer from AFFF firefighting foam. These firefighting advocates are joining us to help grow greater awareness for the need for product manufacturers to receive EPA Safer Choice accreditation for fire chemical products going forward.
Consistent with our company’s deep commitment to future generations and sustainability, our chemical ingredients are made from all-natural plant-based ingredients, ensuring that MFB-31 Citrotech® is a 100% sustainable product, safe to use around homes, schools, pets, and children, and safe for the environment.
When sprayed on combustible surfaces, MFB-31 Citrotech® liquid fire inhibitor enables the formation of thin potassium salt crystalline coatings on wood surfaces that are to be protected against fire ignition and flame spread. Advantageously, these thin potassium salt crystalline coatings do not interfere with gas exchange on the epidermal surfaces of living plant tissue when the applied liquid fire inhibitor has dried after water molecule evaporation. MFB-31 Citrotech® liquid fire inhibitor allows potassium ions dissolved in solution to disperse and participate in the formation of thin potassium salt crystalline coatings on treated combustible surfaces, functioning as an optically transparent fire-inhibiting coating to provide safe proactive defense against fire ignition, flame spread, and smoke development.
In the presence of hot wildfire embers or wildfire, the thin potassium salt crystalline coatings formed on combustible surfaces (i) inhibit fire ignition and flame spread and reduce smoke production by interrupting free radical chain reactions driving the combustible phase of the fire, (ii) while supporting the transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide gases across living plant tissue on leaves of trees, plants, flowers, grasses, and other botanical life forms, without adversely affecting their vitality when sprayed with MFB-31 Citrotech® liquid fire inhibitor.
Thus, by design, all Proactive Wildfire Armor Citrotech® fire inhibiting biochemical liquid products are being engineered to function at high performance during fire inhibiting and/or extinguishing operations, while maximizing the conservation of water, which is often in scarce supply where fires are likely to break out in dry climate environments.
Our environmentally clean “ready-to-use” liquid fire inhibitor MFB-31 Citrotech® employs our patent-pending Citrotech® fire inhibiting chemistry and is being sold and applied by spraying using various spray equipment, including mobile backpack spray-atomizing systems, stationary home and property sprinkler systems, and other spraying equipment, such as Spray Atomizing Cannons and Mobile Spray Tankers. As of 2023, 100% of our product line is EPA Safer Choice certified.
Leading the Way on the New Frontier of Sustainable Proactive Wildfire Defense Around the World
MFB-31 Citrotech® is enabling a new frontier in proactive fire defense by providing a more effective and sustainable way to reduce the risk of property loss due to wildfires so that fire insurance companies will continue to insure properties located in high-risk wildfire areas.
In furtherance of our vision to provide more effective and environmentally safer wildfire defense systems for countless communities worldwide, Proactive Wildfire Armor is using MFB-31 Citrotech® fire inhibitor in mobile and stationary spray-atomizing systems being deployed around the USA and rapidly making inroads globally. These mobile and stationary spray-atomizing systems are described in the Products Section of this website.
Proactive Wildfire Armor has made sustainability a keystone of its strategy and has successfully developed and adapted to the requirements of a continuously changing economic and social environment. Proactive Wildfire Armor is aimed at environmental, economic, and social sustainability, and is committed to protecting people and the environment, including the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Everything we do at Proactive Wildfire Armor, from conceptualizing and designing our innovative fire defense products, selecting our ingredients and enabling technologies, and supporting all of our practices, is aimed at delivering safe and effective solutions that contribute to the preservation of the planet for future generations.
Our goal at Proactive Wildfire Armor is for our Safer Choice fire inhibitor, MFB-31 CitroTech®, to become the new standard in fighting wildfires and protecting forests and structures from wildfire. We seek to replace the substances in current use that contain constituents that are deleterious to aquatic life, mammalian life, ecosystems in general, and the environment as a whole.
We are grateful to our customers and partners for their continued support in our mission to produce and deliver innovative environmentally safe and sustainable fire defense solutions for everyone around the world.